Thursday, October 14, 2004

There's the Rub: Review of "Innovator's Dilemna" by Clayton Christenson

Only the Paranoid Survive, October 5, 2004

In a landmark study, the author argues that the basis of competition among businesses undergoes a paradigm shift everytime a disruptive technology is born. So what is a disruptive technology? Remember what Walmart did to Sears? Of course you do, because disruptive technologies are usually products or services that are faster, cheaper, smaller, and more convinient. Ultimately, good companies must refrain from doing what got them to the top in the first place--listening to their customers and believing everything comes down to superior technology--in order to successfully compete with the onslaught of start-ups redefining both the buying hierarchies and value networks in which they are implicated. There's the rub, as Hamlet once said.

This is without a doubt one of the best business books I have ever read.

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