Saturday, June 17, 2006

Announcement Regarding Website's Future

In August of 2006, the founder of will begin a rigorous 2 year MBA/CFA program at the Kelley School of Business. This means that our free web service, as well as our paid subscription service, will come to a screeching halt effective this August. Subscribers will be reimbursed for any unused portions of their subscription; daily visitors to the "free" section of this site can rest assured knowing that our founder is back in academia doing what he's been doing everyday for the last three years: following, studying, picking, trading, and reading about stocks.

In the meantime, we expect that our readers and/or subscribers will continue to enjoy our no-nonsense research, whether it be here or at (until August 3rd), the leader in grassroots-based financial journalism on the Internet and today the first place many buy-siders go for original stock ideas. We are truly grateful for having been invited to write for the site back in January this year; kudos to David Jackson and his hard-working staff at SeekingAlpha for toiling at all hours to create/aggregate value-added stock research that trumps, we think, most of the ad-replete journalism currently on the web. For a look at what our material looks like once it's been uploaded to SeekingAlpha, click here.

If you'd like to contact our founder about possible internship (for Summer 2007) and/or permanent placement opportunities (buy side/sell side equity analyst positions), you can reach him at (serious inquiries only, please). He hopes to interview with as many Wall Street firms (regional + global) as possible throughout the next 10 months and would relish the opportunity to speak with someone who's familiarized him/herself with this website. For those interested, a quick panorama of our output is available through the archive link found at the bottom of this page. To learn more about the Kelley School of Business (a top 20 MBA program & a top 10 undergraduate program), please go here. Thank you all for an incredible ride -- we'll see you on Monday.

Don't forget that you can also enjoy our work at, a must-read according to The New York Times, Barron's, and Forbes.

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