Damn That Bedazzler: The Apprentice
Last night's The Apprentice illustrated how much selling yourself matters in the business world. This week's task boiled down to a t-shirt selling contest utilizing two reknown pop artists.Magna was clever enough to exploit their artist's clientele to win on volume -- less expensive shirts sold to plenty of people already familiar with the style and niche. Volume power-- reminds me of Dell with personal computers -- the sell as much to as many approach . The losers -- net worth -- forgot how to milk the artist they were given for what he was worth and instead focused too narrowly on an embellished item sold above fair market value. I thought they had it in the bag with this idea -- plenty of successful firms today sell ordinairy things with extraordinairy appeal -- but ultimately poor time management and lacklustre marketing threw them out of the race. You cannot win on price alone --ever. They had a better product, but what good does that do that if no one knows about it. Raise awareness - that's what successful companies do. Think of AFFLAC(ask about it at work) - you don't even have to know what they do to know who they are.
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