Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Playing the LCD Boom: GLW

Again, Cramer takes me back to my brokerage days.

In 2003, we had clients loaded up on Corning Glass (GLW) because there was NO WAY this former hi flier ($101 stock during the Internet gold rush) was going to sit complacently at $10.

Today, Corning is just a tad shy of hitting the $20 mark.

Here's why.

LCD, or liquid crystal display.

It's the fancy technology in flat panel and plasma screen TVS.

Question, reader: Do you think people will buy more or less of these TVs this holiday season?

Ok, thought so.

You're buying the glass makers because unlike the manufacturers, the glass guys aren't a dime a dozen.

That means no price wars, which means they don't get squeezed which means margins are left uncrippled.

AU Optronics (AUO) also made the show -- but we like Corning and there's still plenty of room for this baby to run.

You own Sony?

Sell a dog, buy Corning.

Hit $30 and sell half and tell the neighborhood gang drinks are on you tonight.

A no brainer, instant double play BUY Rating On Corning.

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