Fear 101
We're still in the middle of a group therapy like weekly meeting on fear, the number one killer of success. The managing partner of a firm has helped many a great people overcome their fears, whether it be fear of public speaking, rejection, or fear of failure.Fear of success was an interesting one I heard blurted out. Sounds strange at first, but if you think about it, success only brings more responsibility. What one is scared of then, really, is all the new expectations others will have for this newly successful person: If so-and-so made this much money last year, they better do it again this year. You get the point.
Overall, we've been concluding that the number one way to eradicate fear is to follow Nike's slogan and just do it. If you are scared of talking to strangers on the street -- go up an talk to one. Actually, it's a three step process. One, identify your fear. I'm scared of ______. Two, break that activity into gradients and take it from there. If speaking in front of a large audience is your number one fear, try it once with 3 people in the room only saying a word or two. The next day, double your audience and content -- it'll get easier. Lastly, keep on doing whatever scares you. Practice makes perfect.
What we're finding is that fear of helplessness is worse than fear of unknown. Secondly, fear is a necessary part of living and being human. Fear itself will NEVER go away, but fear of something can. Fail forward, kind of like babies who have to fall incessantly before they walk and make the next step in their development.
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