Saturday, June 11, 2005

Suze Orman/Personal Finance Books

I am a financial advisor with a Fortune 500 company. I've read dozens and dozens of financial advice and self-help books. Most stink; a handful will blow you away.

The best one for me, and by extension, my clients, remains Ric Edelman's THE TRUTH ABOUT MONEY. If you haven't read this mega book, you're losing out. Buying it may be the best investment you make this year.

Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, so the problem with these books is that you'll often get reams of conflicting advice. Best bet is to pick up several of the best sellers and read 'em with highlighter in hand.

They all revolve around the same driving theme: building wealth, paring down debt, and protecting your asets.

The issue is how objective the authors remain and whether or not they are versed in tax and legal issues, which I consider to be the backbone of sound financial planning. Anyone can throw a buzzword , but would something like a Roth or TERM policy fit within your overall tax reducing objective?

Suze Orman has a personality and it comes across in her writing -- but take her advice with a grain of salt. She is more pop than prudent, and her take on annuities still bewilders me.

Do your homework, because as Edelman says, unfortunately, money doesn't come with instructions.

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